Our Mission is to provide exemplary patient healthcare and the additional resources that individuals need for successful and sustainable health. We are dedicated to educating medical residents to provide full-scope family healthcare.
Good health lays the foundation for a productive, successful life. At Lincoln Medical Education Partnership, our family-centered services respect the beliefs, experiences and backgrounds of others. The family physician cares for patients of all ages and with a wide variety of health issues. Satisfying physical needs establishes a baseline for health upon which additional concerns may be addressed. A family’s needs, paired with its unique dynamics, may require behavioral health services, substance abuse intervention techniques, or guidance through pregnancy and early parenting. Special counseling services are crucial for some families dealing with chronic, progressive diseases, poverty, and abuse. In one convenient site, we are able to offer families the tools to achieve good health and to become self-sufficient.
Over the years, Lincoln Medical Education Partnership has worked to elevate the public health of Nebraska, the Great Plains, and beyond through its many programs.
Trained more than 260 dedicated family medicine physicians
Treatment for hundreds of thousands of patients and clients
Trained thousands of school professionals to recognize youth with behavioral health concerns and connect them to supports
Trained hundreds of substance abuse counselors
Assisted thousands of people through their personal journeys with cancer while contributing to a global bank of clinical research
Connected thousands of people with the social services they need at times of crisis
By providing access to better healthcare habits, we build a stronger community at many levels through both prevention and treatment.
“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.”